Hollywood International University

A big . age difference

When a man is twenty, and a woman is forty or vice versa, it causes a lot of emotions, often negative, and just as many questions. Well, what goals, other than self-serving, can a young girl pursue when meeting with a pensioner? Sex-news.ru tries to understand.

She’s smart, she’s beautiful, the boys are all over her, and she’s marrying a man old enough to be her father. Exactly! It’s all about Dad. It’s no secret how hard children go through their parents ‘ divorce. The decisive refusal of the mother from her personal life for the benefit of her beloved daughter, does not always benefit her. The absence of a father in the family is compensated by an age-old lover, in whom the girl seeks protection, confidence and tenderness, which she did not receive as a child.

Or here’s another case: she is young and has not yet achieved anything in her life, and he is successful, well-off and experienced. Here it is a matter of discomfort from the discrepancy between the desires of a young girl and her capabilities, from the desire to get as much as possible, spending as little as possible. The man acts as a guarantor of success and stability. The relationship is like a bilateral agreement: on the one hand, the freshness of youth, on the other – financial independence.

And maybe in a different way. She is still young, and this world is just opening its horizons to her, and he has experienced so much and can share his experience with her. Such novels most often arise on the general professional track. The desire to learn, comprehend and develop, as well as admiration for the achievements of a partner can be a good foundation for feelings. But how often do students outperform their students…

But it happens that not one of the above examples does not fall under the love story. She is cheerful and energetic, and he buys her balloons and ice cream. The källa girl in this case is guided by the desire to remain just a girl. How often men of the same age in a couple of years become real children, with whom a girl can no longer feel really young, with "pensioners" this happens much less often, and this adds confidence.

Or maybe it’s about true love? A great Love, beyond the control of time, social or professional status. A love that blurs all these boundaries. Whatever the age difference between the partners, the main thing is that their choice is conscious and sincere. Any relationship has only two directions: constant development, despite any difficulties, or destruction under the weight of problems. The age difference is just a small nuisance that real feelings can easily cope with.

September 8, 2021

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