(Certificate and/or an Equivalent Diploma click here)
Certificate in Entrepreneurship
Total Cost: For completion – $1425
Training in Entrepreneurship covers ten weeks of focused e-learning. This program comprises eight modules that includes a Capstone course commencement and On-the-job training at the end. Each training session is approximately one week. It is a concentrated study periods but considered to allow each student to attain a month’s worth of training in a shorter period by procedure that has been used to educate individuals to acquire a lesson in a short amount of time.
Entrepreneurship Certificate – Courses Required
This program consists of 7 module areas of study plus one On-the-job training. To complete and fulfill the requirements for a certificate, students must complete the six compulsory courses plus one elective and the internship program. Learners are free to interrupt their study during the course for personal reasons and continue the course again starting from the point of the course of study they left. They must finish the entire course within two years of commencing in order to certify their study for a certificate of completion. This course commence with module 1 and continues successively through each module. Every module is offered in succession until that specific course phase is finished.
The Study Plan
The order in which the individual modules are commenced and finished allowing the start of each subsequent module determines the numbers of each training session. Titles with an asterisk (*) indicate programs that are mandatory for certification.
1. Module 1 – Are You an Entrepreneur
This module studies historic entrepreneurship, contributions and influences to nation building and how the American dream was and maintains entrepreneurial, not only in America but globally applicable to individuals.
2. Module 2 – Learning to deal with both Success and Failure
Failure is seldom communicated in class but it is vital for the entrepreneur to identify and know how to deal with it. Success can be achieved by perseverance, dedication to what you do and desire to be successful. Study how to survive from failure and be successful in your chosen field.
3. Module 3 – Reality vs. Perception
Learn how to know the difference between Reality and Perception.
4. Module 4 – Ethics in Entrepreneurship
Module 4 will demonstrate how to make moral organization that persistently observes proper conduct, credibility in transactions and communications. An Entrepreneur must be aware of group norms and must learn how to protect those principals no matter what the result and to exhibit the level of their opinion.
5. Module 5 – Entrepreneurial Organizing Theory
Learn how to establish and organize your concept and philosophy and how to ensure everyone in your group that you will succeed in your business.
6. Module 6 – Entrepreneurial Money Sources
This module demonstrates and will teach you how to nurture and be successful. You must be determined and believe that you can. Your positive attitude towards work will make you achieve your goal in your business or organization.
7. Module 7 – Rarely Learned Tools of the Trade
The global network provides the entrepreneur great opportunities. It is essential that you know how to use this means and stay connected with business globally. Through this module you will do great in your undertaking as an entrepreneur.
Grading: HIU USA learners are assessed by the instructor within seven days as to whether or not the performance was satisfactory permitting the learner to move forward or complete the program or unsatisfactory upon the completion of each training module in the program. Papers, lessons, quiz, and test results, leading up to the final evaluation are returned within seven days of submission by course instructors. If the instructor gives unsatisfactory report, the learner is required to repeat the training for that particular module in order to move forward and satisfactorily finishes the previously unsatisfactory module. For more information and complete details, please download the Course Catalog.