Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
(All courses offered click here)
Total Cost: For graduation completion – $15400
Student Access and Grading System: For doctoral student grades basic minimal guidelines are based on his/her attendance online; participation in class forums discussions; accumulated quiz scores; and compliant research with other students and satisfactory grade on complete doctoral exams after the first six course (18) accumulated units. Doctoral student with successful passing grade admits to Candidate status after a successful Comprehensive. Students in good standing Grades are required to be released within 14 days of finishing of term. Project Demonstrating Excellence reviews are at discretion of the doctoral lead professor but no more than 21 days from student submission for evaluation. Quizzes, result of exams, paper requirements leading up to mid-term and final are given back by course professors within seven days of submission.
Minimum to Graduate: Required credit units for graduation is 62 credit units beyond masters. Learners may transfer up to 30 credit units of accomplished doctoral course work equivalent to those listed in HIU USA approved course/program and finish the degree program by matriculating with an additional 32 semester units completed.
Students who are candidate for graduation must pass a complete final test. It is mandatory to maintain a “B” average throughout their course. The grade will be either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. The students’ accomplishment allows them to move for the completion of their Project showing excellence and the positive and successful defense of it. They will be accepted to graduation and award of the DBA once finished and acceptable to the students’ doctoral committee.